“In the next 10 years there will be 1.4 million Computer Science jobs in the US and only 400,000 people to fill those jobs. Coding is something that every person and student can do, they just need the door opened,” says Vicki Davis, Computer Science Teacher and IT Director at Westwood.
“Nationwide 90% of US schools offer no Computer Science courses and of the 10% who do, few schools make it mandatory like we do here at Westwood,” says Mrs. Davis. “Every profession is impacted by technology and working with computers is far more than word processing it is website design, blogging, social media… coding and more.”
“Not only have the teachers found it to be invaluable in teaching new technology ideas, but the children truly loved the innovation and many have followed up on their own at home learning more about how to code,” says Betty Shiver. “Everyone has come back so excited about what they’ve done in the Hour of Code.”
“I think it is useful that we’re teaching the younger generation how to do things that are now vital to everyday living,” says Zachary Delk, one of the student leaders who used Scratch 2.0 to teach fourth graders how to code.
“Parents and schools everywhere can teach their kids how to code just by making apps available. I recommend Kodable as a free app on the iPad for younger kids and Hopscotch for older students,” says Davis. “Students and parents can also use the links from an article I wrote for Edutopia (http://www.edutopia.org/blog/15-ways-teaching-students-coding-vicki-davis) to learn more about how to bring the Hour of Code to their school. Don’t wait for December, every school in the US should take time to expose kids to coding. It is easier than ever.”