Wildcat fans across the county are hoarse and certainly our football team is exhausted from one of the most nailbiting, thrilling games we’ve seen since last year’s state playoff against Memorial Day in Savannah. Speaking of Memorial Day, we’ll be playing them again in the state championship game next Friday night here at Centennial Stadium. We won against Thomas Jefferson this past Friday night 35-28 in overtime. With cats trailing with less than 1 minute left, the team came through with a touchdown and an unbelievable gymnastic contortion worthy of Olympic competition from a flying Cat. It took a whole team and they pulled through. On Saturday morning many parents (like the one writing this article) are still pinching themselves to remember if last night really happened. (Read the Albany Herald article on the game.) Join us Friday night at 7:30 pm.
Lots more happening at Westwood besides football. Our pageants are this Sunday with the Little Miss and Tiny Miss at 3pm on Sunday and the Junior and Big Miss at 6pm. Each pageant has an entry fee of $10 so come out and support our ladies and help raise money for our annual.
The Juniors ordered rings this past week and seniors ordered graduation supplies.
Cookie Dough orders are due Tuesday, November 22. Please support our curriculum fund with your order.
Monday our lady cats basketball team kicks off at the Terrell Academy tip off tournament. The JV basketball teams started off this past week. Basketball has begun. Another sport that many Cat fans love!
Remember that students get out of school on Tuesday at noon and there will be no daycare. Please be here on time to pick up your students.
This past Friday, Westwood ninth graders presented at the Global Education Conference 2011, an online conference, if you wish to hear their recording, you can view the online classroom to view and listen to their work. [Global Education Recording Link] Online presentation skills are just one of the many things taught to our students here at Westwood as they prepare for world that is increasingly online.