Westwood Gym flooring for sale

If you are interested in purchasing wood flooring from the Westwood gym, please notify Paige Johnson at 336-7992 or [email protected] no later than Wednesday, September 11, 2013.  The cost is $20 per square foot.  The painted wildcat in the middle...

Updated JV Football Schedule

Wildcat (Photo credit: Cloudtail)Please note that there are some changes to the JV Football Schedule and download a new copy. Spread the word.Updated  2013 JV Football Schedule

JV & JR Pro Football Schedule Change

The JV & Jr. Pro football game scheduled at home for September 19 against Southland has been changed to Tuesday, September 17.  We have also added an away game on Thursday, September 19 at Terrell – Jr Pro will play at 5:00 and JV will play at...

Raffle Winners Announced

Winners for the 2013-2014 Westwood Raffle:  Grand Prize:  Andy Moss, 2nd Prize: Michael Pham, 3rd Prize: Keith Sandefur.  Congratulations to our winners!