We are excited you are interested in Westwood Schools. We would like to have the opportunity to show you that Westwood can be a wonderful place for your children.
Westwood Schools admits academically qualified students of any race, color, gender, or national and ethnic origin.
Admission Requirements
Students must meet the following requirements to be enrolled at Westwood Schools:
All new applicants must take a placement test as part of the admissions process.
For admissions inquiries please contact Paige Johnson in the High School Office at 229-336-7992 or at [email protected]. Westwood uses an online inquiry and registration portal. GOAL/Tuition assistance applications are available on our website or can be picked up in the office. Registration applications for current families are due by the last day of February each year. GOAL/Tuition assistance applications for current families are due by April 20th each year. The first week of March is reserved for Alumni family registration and registration opens to the public the second week in March.

Application Process
Visit Campus
Placement Testing
Every potential student completes a placement test.
Complete Application
Student/Family Interview
Upon completion of the entrance exam, a student interview will be conducted, if needed. Once all records are received, the admissions committee will review all of the information and a decision will be made whether or not to accept the applicant as a student at Westwood.
Once a student’s application is accepted, he or she will be admitted for a probationary period. If at the end of the probationary period, the student has not met the required stipulations, made academic progress, or met behavioral standards, the student’s acceptance to Westwood may be terminated.
Westwood admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities made to students at the school. It does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, or athletic and other school administered programs.
Westwood reserves the right to prohibit admission to any person who has given birth to a child or fathered a child.

Visiting our school is an excellent way for you and your family to see what Westwood has to offer. Contact our admissions office today to set up an appointment for an individual tour of our campus. Call Paige at 229-336-7992 or email her at [email protected].
We have Open House each spring. Westwood also holds various informational meetings in surrounding towns during the spring of each school year.
Admission Forms
- 2025-2026 GOAL-Tuition Assistance Application
- 2025-2026 Registration Link - Contact the school office for your enrollment code.
- Click here to inquire about 2025-2026 admissions.
- Westwood online registration/contract: All Grades
- Payment of Registration Fee: All Grades
- Completed Enrollment Acceptance Form: All Grades
- Completed Drafts/Posted Dated Checks: Families paying monthly
- Form 3231—Current Shot Record: All Grades
- Form 3300—Hearing/Vision Screening: K4 & K5 Only
- Copy of Birth Certificate: New Students
- After FEBRUARY 28th, Late Fee: All Grades (applies to current families only)
- GOAL/Tuition Assistance Application: If Applicable
Tuition and Fees for 2025 – 2026
K3: $5,935
K4 & K5: $6,265
1st – 5th: $7,265
6th – 12th: $7,580
Current Family Registration Fee: $300 per family
New Family Registration Fee: $350 per family
Building Fee: $500 per family
Technology Fee: $150 per student
Learning Lab Fee: Fee varies based on service provided
Multiple Child Discount
For two children – $200 discount
For three children – $500 discount
For four children – The fourth child is exempt from tuition will full tuition assessed for all other children
For more than four children – The discount is set by Board of Trustees
Additional Financial Obligations
SCRIP Gift Card Program: $250
Annual Fund Raising Raffle: $350
The tuition and fees shown above are subject to change.
Financial Assistance
Westwood offers two tuition assistance programs that provide support for families in need of financial assistance with tuition. Both of these programs are strictly confidential.
- Georgia GOAL
- Westwood Tuition Assistance